Goodbye couch, hello world

My life coach had a radical suggestion -- that I get away from the television and start writing. I didn't bother to explain my current love affair with the PVR; I knew she wouldn't understand like you, dear readers. You have seen me through the loss of my digital cable, the pain of being forced to watch the TV guide channel, then the joy of getting my father to install the digital box in my basement and process of becoming an insomniac from staying up all night to watch shows on time-shifting.

So I said I would except I didn't. Wouldn't you do the same if you were me? I had a reputation to maintain -- a self-professed tv addict who can tell you something good to watch every day of the week. Imagine my horror on a Tuesday morning when my coworkers asked, "Did you watch The Hills last night?" and I had to say - gasp - no?!

But then one day, I thought I would try a little experiment. I decided to only watch the shows that I truly loved. So every day I would assess how much I loved a show BEFORE I tuned in (since I correctly identified that I would probably keep watching something once I started it). And as it turns out, I don't actually LOVE that many shows. I think I was just caught up in the hype... in my own, sick, "give me TV or give me death" hype.

So as of late, the number of "my programs" has been radically reduced. I've actually become quite a critical viewer. Now I can see that nothing ever really happens on The Hills. That the "models" on ANTM just get lazier and more annoying. And Ugly Betty... well, I need to save something for the summer.

So look at me everybody...goodbye couch, hello world,

p.s. There is an unfortunate addition to my TV schedule: Judge Judy, courtesy of S. Don't even get me started.


emti said...

hello my name is emti and i love judge judy *hangs head in shame*

superblackgirl said...

emti, you're not alone. i just want to know why.