
I think it's mildly humorous that I'm about to refute my own point, but I have to say that one thing I hate about my previous post/argument is that Rosie started it. The thing that I don't like about "Bleeding Heart" Rosie is that she's all up in arms defending people when they're overweight, unattractive or gay. But when it's someone else, I don't know, say Chinese people, this is what Rosie has to say:

"Ching chong. Danny DeVito, ching chong, chong, chong, chong. Drunk. The View. Ching chong." -Rosie on The View re: people in China talking about Danny DeVito being drunk when he was a guest on the show.

Isn't that funny? Oh wait, it isn't. I guess since Rosie isn't Chinese, they're fair game for ridicule. But when the issues hit close to home for Ms. O'Donnell (see above) then she's quick to get defensive and make the rest of us feel bad. So basically here are the rules according to Rosie:

-It's NOT okay to make fun of people if they're ugly, fat or gay.
-It is A-OK to make fun of people because they have accents, speak a different language, or are in another country.

Now, I'm not completely refuting my previous post. I do feel bad when people (American Idol judges included) make fun of people for "surface" reasons. But I include the following in "surface":

1. Speaking Ebonics to black people
2. Making fun of black people using Ebonics and stereotypes
3. Doing bad and inaccurate impersonations of ANYONE'S accent (i.e. Italians - Who wantsa some spaghetti-a?)
4. Making someone's biological characteristics responsible for their inability to do something (you know what i'm saying: Asian eyes and driving - totally ridiculous)
5. Assuming someone does/eats/says anything based on their ethnicity (there are too many to even give one example)

There are probably many more that I could write, but my lunch break is over. Feel free to contribute if you like.



superblackgirl said...

How lame is it that I'm my own first comment? Whatever. I just had to write that Rosie said in defence of her statements, "I do a lot of accents."

I'm sorry, is just saying "Ching Chong Ching" an accent now?

McKinley said...

Did a google search on Rosie, and seems as though she's getting pretty ridiculous and righteous about lots of things. The link above takes you to an article about how she started a war with Kelly Ripa because Kelly said "I don't know where your hands have been" when Clay Aiken covered her mouth. Uh, yeah! I don't particularly want people touching my face, gay or straight. Rosie, you're lame.

Anonymous said...

i will be cheap and comment with a cut n' paste of a blog entry my roomie for others to comment on:

Said to Alfonso by Marie Osmond on Celebrity Duets: "oh Alfonso you're too white."


I admit i half expected and hoped to God that little Richard would take his wig off and smack her in the mouth with it.

It is ignorant comments like these that continues to perpetuate the idea that education and poise are exclusively connected to 'whiteness', which i believe is ridiculous. Alfonso is an educated, articulate, albeit square man. And while other black folks may clown him or make similar comments which is appropriate amongst folks who love and support each other, what IS NOT appropriate is for a corny white person to do it on NATIONAL television.
Marie: lesson ..1 there are just somethings you cant be apart of. period. White folks everywhere with a sense of entitlement: get over it.
And for chrissakes invent your own colloquialisms -nothing makes me squirm more than the tv moments where a white person- or anyone over 40 for that matter, awkwardly utters: "Yo Dawg, or You da man!". Desperation is the worst perfume folks. In the words of the great Q-tip "You can be white and down, but don't prep the role...."

....But i digress. Its stupid comments like Marie's that not only makes less ignorant and more sensitive white folks look bad, but much more dangerously- it makes white folks who just don't know any better feel its ok to repeat such idiotic things, which for better or worse can result in a beat down in some neighborhoods.

Wayne Brady, Alfonso and Little Richard handled the situation with class or just chose to ignore Marie's comment out of sheer exhaustion from trying to educate ignorance like hers for their whole lives. Or most likely, it was ignored out of embarrassment and just wanting it to be over. I remember being inappropriately fondled once by a friend's roommate and just laughing it off and not being angry until the next day. I realized then that by not responding i allowed him to think it was acceptable behavior. At the moment though, i just wanted it to be over and get the heck out of there. I think there is a similar reaction when racism arises sometimes. We can be so embarrassed and hurt by someone's words or actions that we do not fight back....just roll our eyes and laugh it off. Ironic that we let racist comments or behavior slide sometimes but when you call some one out as a racist or of racist behavior thats when we get our backs up.

By the way, Alfonso's mother- who was present, by the way, did not spend thousands of dollars to send her son to school, time supporting his career, and dedicated herself to raising a strong valued black man just so his blackness could be put on review on national tv by a straight cracker......although if there were ever an authority on 'whiteness'.........

In closing, I'm not going to say Marie is a racist, however, she casually revealed her backwards cultural ideas and said something racially insensitive. She should be called out on it, she should be repremanded by Fox, and she should apologize.

Warner recoding artist


note: no response.

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superblackgirl said...

i just want it to be known that i just deleted 2 comments because it was a repeat of the esthero post. i'm not censoring!

by the way bean, max LOVES that blog by esthero. she sent it to me (because i forgot to tell her about it when we read it).