homoerotic baseball terms

i was recently forced to write a small blurb about an outing to a Jays game for work. which in turn forced me to look up baseball terms on the internet because i know nothing about sports and i wanted to say something a little better than "we hit a home run with this one!" (sidebar: i actually tried to write that and my fingers rebelled of their own will). anyway, i found this "baseball slang dictionary" that had quite a few interesting terms. i know all sports involve a lot of same-sex touching, but baseball has actually worked their homo-eroticism into the slang. let's play a little Balderdash:

Caught Looking
Slang definition: Striking out on a called third strike. (sidebar: HUH??)
My Balderdash answer: When a man sneaks a peek at the goods in the urinal next to him.

In the hole
Slang definition: The batter scheduled to hit after the hitter who is on deck.
My Balderdash answer: Sex.

Moon Shot
Slang definition: A home run that is hit particularly high and long.
My Balderdash answer: Anal penetration.

Slang definition: When a baserunner is caught in a rundown.
My Balderdash Answer: Penis.

Rubber Game
Slang definition: The deciding game of a 3 or 5 game series that is tied 1-1 or 2-2.
My Balderdash answer: A game to decide which guy wears the rubber (and therefore penetrates the rubber-less).

And this weird one, just for fun:

Five o'clock hitter
Slang definition: refers to a hitter who hits well in batting practice (which is held around 5:00 p.m. for night games) but not well in games.
My Balderdash guess: A guy who comes home from work and hits his wife if his dinner isn't made.

now, i'm going to Staples for the fourth time today.
love sbg