This one is for my faithful readers out there who are jonesing for more posts from the superblackgirl. The subtitle to this one is: My trip to the hairdresser.
I've had the same stylist in Toronto for the last 5 years. We have an understanding. She knows that I tend to play it safe on the hair tip, "just wash and blow dry", is what I usually say. Every now and then I get bored, or she gets bored, and we'll do a little cut, a little colour, a little sumthin' sumthin' to keep it interesting. Well, the stylist I went to in London added a little too much of sumthin'--that would be grease. As my sister and I would say, my hair was "Grease Mania". She purposely did not face me towards the mirror, so I had no idea what she was doing back there while I watched the Young and the Restless. At some point, I felt like my head was getting a little heavy, but I dismissed it. I mean, she's a professional, right? Just because we're in her apartment and she washed my hair over her kitchen sink, doesn't mean she doesn't know what she's doing, right? Wrong. Oh, I/it was so wrong.
When she finished, she said, "Shake your hair out a little". I tried, but unfortunately my hair was so grease-laden it would barely move. Remember that scene in Flowers in the Attic when the evil grandmother pours tar in Carrie's hair when she's sleeping, and when she wakes up she can barely move her head? Yeah, I'm Carrie.
So I paid her (yes, I paid her. I'm a punk, I know) and left, got in the car with my mother, and proceeded to have a total freak-out. I couldn't even touch my head I was so grossed out. The only good thing was that my mother's hands and arms were really ashy, so I told her to rub them in my hair to oil them up. It worked, but she could barely grip the steering wheel after that.
So we're driving home with the windows down, and we pull into the Tim Horton's drive-through to get coffee. My mother looks at me and says, "I wish I had a camera". It seems the wind had blown my hair-don't around a bit, and it was frozen in it's wind-blown position due to all the grease. As it turned out, I had my camera phone. So that's me up there, and that's the story. Hope you enjoyed it.
i dunno what you're complaining about. i think it looks great.
ummm... ok. ok. the greezy part is just gross. but the spikes have a certian Grace Jones/Gynan from Star Trek quality that, frankly, works for me. ever see Tina Turner in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome? that's some hot sheeeyit right there. but what do i know? i shaved calamari designs into my head.
Greenery: Avant-Garde.
i think it's hooky.