My Life in 10 minutes or less

The sad thing is that the update about my life may not even need a full 10 minutes. But I digress...

Minutes 1-5
I made a fatal error in judgement last Thursday when I decided to see Metric without the Bean. What was I thinking? Don't get me wrong, Metric was great. But it seemed the crowd had a little T-dot-itis, as a large number of them stood in front of the stage with their arms hanging limply at their sides. It was also very un-crowded, for reasons unknown to me. Emily Haines kept thanking us for being a small crowd, but wondered if she too was a little peeved by the lack of enthusiasm when she asked (midway through a song), "Do you guys know this song?" And she wasn't being coy.

Minutes 5-10
I've started to really question why I am so inexcusably lazy. I complain about being unfulfilled and uninspired, yet I do nothing to change my life. I like to say that it stems from the womb, where I apparently found a comfy spot and never moved--so much so that my mother thought I had died in her belly. Fast-forward to right now and that comfy spot is the couch. Similar to the nurture/nature debate, I think this falls in the genetic/generation debate. Is this laziness woven into my DNA, or is it my peers and People Magazine that force me to do nothing but ingest pop culture?

Minute 11 (I need it, hooray!)
I'm using my connection to other people who know people to gain friends at work. A coworker told me that she really liked Esthero's brother. I told her that I had a good friend who was best friends with Esthero, which meant she was only 2 degress of separation away. She was duly impressed by my Kevin Bacon-ness.
(Bean, I might need your help in the future).

Minute 12
No time to proofread. I'm out.



Anonymous said...

go here:

i hope this makes up for your town's lame-o inability to rawk out with the hottest band and most talented songwriter/performer that will ever come out of this generation. you can't see me, but i was at this Fort York performance, stage right-- and losing my mind, i might add. i also just saw Emily last week at the Gladstone for her solo release performance. if her genius was contagious, we would never have to punch anyone in the face EVER.

me? a fan?... nooo.

also, you're not lazy Greenery! you are one of the most amazing people to work with because of the exact opposite of this claim. to the SBG blogspot reader: don't be fooled by this false sense of identity she is projecting. she knows not what she says. Marsha: if you say it, you manifest it. imagine something inspiring... keep going...

as for the Esthero favour: what could i possibly do? hmmm... do you want me to steal something private? because that's just a ridiculous request... without a price tag. *wink*

the bean
(needs pad thai and Greenery, very soon)